Monday, August 20, 2012

Advance And Core Java Courses Training

Quality is not a static benchmark but a dynamic norm that is progressively scaled up and aspired to be attained. We have built our business on "Quality Services in Time" model, thereby adding significant and sustainable advantages to our clients. Our approach is further strengthened with our personalized relationship managers responsible for building round the clock availability and also making sure that our clients get committed service levels at all grounds in terms of their engagement. 

Service Portfolio

Computer is the need of this modern world and is the mark of success. Every individual in this competitive world needs to have efficient computer knowledge. Our range encompasses Technical Courses like Java Course, .Net, Testing and Linux Device Drivers (LDD). We also gained expertise Embedded System Design Services. We identify and implement new value added services for our customers. Our customers can enroll in a single course and attend the classes of one course any number of times.

  • Enables to excel in various computer courses
  • Customer centric approach
  • Highly talented team of computer professionals
  • Sophisticated facilities
  • Enhance capabilities and knowledge of our customers
  • Cost effectiveness

Our Core Values

Our entire business operations are based on our core values. These values enable us to maintain strong and cordial relationship with our customers. The following are some of our core values:

  • Maximum customer satisfaction
  • Transparency
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Professionalism
  • Time bound

Our Facilities

We are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to offer world class Technical Courses and Embedded System Design Services. Our sophisticated training facilities are available with multiple class rooms. We work with the mission to enhance the technology skills that eliminate the disproportion for job recruitment and skills through the intensive training modules.

Our technologically competent and educated IT professionals resolve our customer’s queries with utmost efficiency. The services, we offer, provides an excellent platform to our customers in IT industry. Our curriculum is in accordance with the latest industry requirements. 

Team of Computer Professionals

Our strong team of computer professionals is the nucleus of our organization. Each of them possesses in-depth knowledge and hold profound knowledge in the respective domains of operation. We select our personnel on stringent selection procedures based on their knowledge and experience. In addition, we conduct through training sessions so as to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge in the respective domains.

Our team of experts works in close coordination with the customers to understand their queries and hence provide effective solutions. This enables us to attain the ultimate goal of complete customer satisfaction. Moreover, we owe success to the meticulous efforts of our professionals.

Customer Satisfaction

We are a customer centric organization that works with the commitment to ensure complete customer satisfaction. The Technical Courses and Embedded System Design Services of Computers, we offer, enable our customers to sustain in this competitive IT industry. We have state-of-the-art facilities and highly experienced tutors through we establish a strong foothold in the industry. Our sophisticated technology systems enable our customers to not only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Six (6) Week Java Industrial Summer Training in Gurgaon

SSDN Technologies Offers Six(6) Week Java Summer Training in Gurgaon for B-Tech, BE Students Live Project Base Industrial Training At Fair Prices

  • Getting Started with Java SE
    • What is Java?
    • How to Get Java
    • A First Java Program
    • Compiling and Interpreting Applications
    • The JDK Directory Structure
  • Datatypes and Variables
    • Primitive Datatypes
    • Declarations
    • Variable Names
    • Numeric Literals
    • Character Literals
    • String
    • String Literals
    • Arrays
    • Non-Primitive Datatypes
    • The Dot Operator
  • Operators and Expressions
    • Expressions
    • Assignment Operator
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • Increment and Decrement Operators
    • Operate-Assign Operators ( =, etc.)
    • The Conditional Operator
    • Operator Precedence
    • Implicit Type Conversions
    • The Cast Operator
  • Control Flow
    • Statements
    • Conditional (if) Statements
    • Adding an else if
    • Conditional (switch) Statements
    • while and do-while Loops
    • for Loops
    • A for Loop Diagram
    • Enhanced for Loop
    • The continue Statement
    • The break Statement
  • Methods
    • Methods
    • Calling Methods
    • Defining Methods
    • Method Parameters
    • Scope
    • So, Why All the static?
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
    • classes and Objects
    • Fields and Methods
    • Encapsulation
    • Access Control
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Best Practices
  • Objects and Classes
    • Defining a Class
    • Creating an Object
    • Instance Data and Class Data
    • Methods
    • Constructors
    • Access Modifiers
    • Encapsulation
  • Using Java Objects
    • Printing to the Console
    • printf Format Strings
    • StringBuilder and StringBuffer
    • Methods and Messages
    • toString
    • Parameter Passing
    • Comparing and Identifying Objects
    • Destroying Objects
    • Using the Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes
    • Autoboxing
  • Inheritance in Java
    • Inheritance
    • Inheritance in Java
    • Casting
    • Method Overriding
    • Polymorphism
    • super
    • The Object Class
  • Advanced Inheritance and Language Constructs
    • Enumerated Types - Pre-Java 5.0
    • Enumerated Types Today
    • More Enumerated Types
    • Abstract Classes
    • Interfaces
    • Using Interfaces
    • Comparable
    • Collections
    • Generics
  • Packages
    • Packages
    • The import Statement
    • Static Imports
    • CLASSPATH and Import
    • Defining Packages
    • Package Scope
  • Exception Handling
    • Exceptions Overview
    • Catching Exceptions
    • The finally Block
    • Exception Methods
    • Declaring Exceptions
    • Defining and Throwing Exceptions
    • Errors and RuntimeExceptions
    • Assertions
  • Input/Output Streams
    • Overview of Streams
    • Bytes vs. Characters
    • Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams
    • File Object
    • Binary Input and Output
    • PrintWriter Class
    • Reading and Writing Objects
    • Basic and Filtered Streams
  • Core Collection Classes
    • The Collections Framework
    • The Set Interface
    • Set Implementation Classes
    • The List Interface
    • List Implementation Classes
    • The Queue Interface
    • Queue Implementation Classes
    • The Map Interface
    • Map Implementation Classes
  • Collection Sorting and Tuning
    • Using Java 5.0 Features with Collections
    • Sorting with Comparable
    • Sorting with Comparator
    • Sorting Lists and Arrays
    • Collections Utility Methods
    • Tuning ArrayList
    • Tuning HashMap and HashSet
  • Inner Classes
    • Inner Classes
    • Member Classes
    • Local Classes
    • Anonymous Classes
    • Instance Initializers
    • Static Nested Classes
  • Introduction to JDBC
    • The JDBC Connectivity Model
    • Database Programming
    • Connecting to the Database
    • Creating a SQL Query
    • Getting the Results
    • Updating Database Data
    • Finishing Up
  • Introduction to Threads
    • Non-Threaded Applications
    • Threaded Applications
    • Creating Threads
    • Thread States
    • Runnable Threads
    • Coordinating Threads
    • Interrupting Threads
    • Runnable Interface
    • ThreadGroups
  • JDBC SQL Programming
    • Error Checking and the SQLException Class
    • The SQLWarning Class
    • JDBC Types
    • Executing SQL Queries
    • ResultSetMetaData
    • Executing SQL Updates
    • Using a PreparedStatement
    • Parameterized Statements
    • Stored Procedures
    • Transaction Management

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Java Technical Interview: Tip and Tricks

A technical interview is the most crucial round out of the whole recruitment process. Although there are many other rounds before the interview like a written test and a group discussion in some cases, the interview is the most feared one. And why shouldn't it be, after all the feeling that the fate of your career lies in the hands of a single individual sitting on the other side of the table can freak anybody out. So in order to have better chances in your interview, it is recommended that you exploit all the resources made available to you in the right fashion.

A technical interview in most of the cases is not aimed to test the advance knowledge of the candidate, it is aimed to test the basics and how clear are the candidate's concepts. The interviewer tries his/her best to corner the candidate with tricky questions expecting a smart answer. What you should keep in mind that the interviewer is not deliberately trying to reject you, he/she just wants to know whether you fit the work profile or not. The whole process is based on one simple fact that a candidate with clear concepts is easy to train and is easy to work with.

The questions can belong to any topic like software engineering, operating systems, database management etc. But you surely would be facing a lot of questions pertaining to the java language. In the recent times the most sought after candidates are those having a good knowledge about the java language. A java technical interview would test your basics and would also test whether you are able to apply your theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. A good theoretical knowledge is desired but a decent practical knowledge can work wonders for you during your java technical interview.

A java technical interview can be broken down in two sets of questions. Core java questions and advanced java questions. Core java questions are a set of questions related to the language constructs, java keywords, concept of classes, inheritance packages etc. whereas advanced java questions are all about server side programming.

One can find a number of online web portals which help you to improve you java skills by publishing a series of java skill tests. These skill tests are designed by industry and java experts and thus can give a good picture of the technical interview. On such portals you can find numerous sets of advanced and core java questions and answers.

Some of the core java questions look like;
1. Can a class can be declared protected?
2. Can Inner class can be a final class?

Advanced java questions on the other hand can include, java j2ee interview questions, java spring interview questions, JavaScript interview questions etc.

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Need of Learning Java Programming Today

Java is a high level language which revolutionized today's Information technology. Java has been evolved from a language known as Oak. This language finds its own position in today's IT Industry. Every IT professional should be thorough with the Java programming since major projects are done in this language.

Java contains many additional features compared to its predecessors like C, C++ etc. These features make the language more comfortable to work with. It is featured to be platform Independent. You can run your program in any platform that supports Java without any changes in the developed program. Every thing you see in java program is an object thus it is known as an object oriented language.

Java also provides high security. They allow the downloading of un trusted codes from the internet and perform its execution in secure environment. Programmer need not free the memory space explicitly after the use. This is done implicitly by Java. Java also contains a lot of in built standard libraries which helps programming easier and simpler.

Java certificate is an added advantage in an interview. You will always get a priority in the interview for mastering the language. Even though java is simple to learn and understand it includes huge topics. It is therefore necessary to study java from a dependable institution and gain certificates. These certificates convey a message to your employer that you are thorough with the language.

In order to fix root in an IT Industry you need to get updated with the latest additions in the language. Today's technology demands for an IT expert with updated skills.

Information regarding the programming languages needs updating. Day by day new features are added to programming languages to make the program creation a simpler one. In order to get your Java skills updated the better choice to opt for a Java training course. You need to choose a trust worthy institution for learning the programming languages.

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Make a Career in Java by Joining the Best Java Courses

When looking for making a career in Java, it is best to take a certified course in the same. Java, being the most popular programming language in the current times, is in great demand. Java is a general purpose and concurrent language. It is designed in such a way that it has the least possible implementation dependencies. It is a class-based and object oriented language.

Java is a great programming language to learn due to the many advantages it offers. Rather than using the direct to platform-specific machine code, Java makes use of intermediate representation called Java bytecode. This allows for portability, which means that the computer programs written in Java language can run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-system platform. There are a lot of options for Java courses in London. You can opt for a Java programming course that starts from the basics and takes you to the advanced level. There are a number of Java training courses that you can make use of for learning the much used programming language. Make sure that the institute you choose delivers object-oriented programming, and event-driven programming. It is best to go for a training course that lets you learn at your own pace and the instructors guide you through the fundamentals.

There are lots of such institutes in UK that guide you properly through teaching to getting certified. You must select the institute cautiously. Go through the website and their terms and conditions and talk to the instructor before applying.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Importance of Training in the Software Industry

Computer training is well thought-out to be one of the significant skills for almost everyone. Whether you are a student, a novice worker, are on a senior marketing team, or you are a recent retiree, computer skill is a must. It has conquered almost every aspect of our modern lives, and thus it has become a necessity to be able to use and understand the computer.
To help the apprentice and long term computer users to stay updated about the constantly changing technology there are varieties of methods to learn computer that are available online or in regular classroom study. Whatever method used, training should start in introducing the hardware. The physical component of computer usually consists of the input devices, processor, output devices, storage, communication devices, surge protectors and other accessory devices.
On the other hand, software training starts with distinguishing the differences between the system software and application software. In it you will learn how to identify the various methods to acquire software and know the differences of freeware, open - source software and shareware. It is also important that you briefly know how to describe various task oriented software such as word processing, electronic spread sheet, database management, graphics and communication.
Describing the functions of operating systems will be also covered which allows the parts of a computer to work together by performing tasks like transferring data between memory and disks or rendering output onto a display device. The training will also emphasize the advantages of graphical operating system, the more you know about operating system the better your computer will serves you. You will also know how to differentiate among different versions of Microsoft Windows and how to use it. It will also explain the needs for network operating system and determine the diversity among the multiprocessing, multiprogramming and time sharing.
Aside from learning things about computer as an electronic tool for informational age, knowing the security and privacy of computer and internet is also included. You will be able to learn aspects of securing corporate data, including software and data security, the recovery plans and security legislation. Eventually you will be able to decipher in general terms on how viruses work, the damages they can cause and procedures used to prevent this damage.
In the long run you will also learn to distinguish the kinds of software that are available for small and large businesses as well as the ethical issues associated with this software. You will learn all about principle of memory management and discover the utility software which helps to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer.
Training will also help you understand what is needed to get on the internet. It will help you describe generally what internet provider does and the rudimentary functions of a browser. It will help on attaining ease on surfing the internet and identify other non-web services.
In a global technology and a world of constant and fast-tracking change, everyone must create a society that knows how to continually learn with dispositions and habits of the heart to do so. Anyone today who waits to be taught runs the risk of being left behind by those who know how to learn on their own and with associates. Fortunately, the Web provides aplenty of resources for learning beyond the dreaming of the richest person in the past.
There are many things about web development, java, open source training and many software trainings have not been taught and explored. However, there is a website that gives personalized, relevant, and friendly training wherein you will uncover and learn all the software development process.

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Learning Java, J2EE and Dot Net

Software is the biggest market now days. Software industry has grown rapidly and millions of people are involved in this, including professionals, software learners, students etc. These all are major contributors in this industry.
Pool of young manpower is the key behind success story of Software Industry. Software Development is done on many different platforms. The major players are Sun Microsystem's JAVA and Microsoft's ASP.Net.
J2EE and ASP.Net are the most popular languages used for server side programming. JAVA Training and ASP Training is the part of today's education system. But who cares in student life.
Professional software training includes practical approach to get through the concepts of these languages. JAVA Training includes Core Java and Advance Java, Struts, Hybernets and other important models like MVC (the most popular one).
On the other hand there is the biggest competitor of Sun Microsystem's Java, that is Microsofts.Net Platform. Its basically a framework not an independent language. ASP.Net Training includes basic framework, ADO.Net and several other concepts. C# is the language that is used mostly for.Net development.
Students are most of the time confused about which they opt between Java Both are object oriented, and mainly used for web development. 
Java provides platform independence by Bytecode and.Net provides platform independence by MSIL that is MicroSoft Intermediate Language code. 
Java uses JRE to execute Bytecode where.Net uses CLR for the common IL code.
Both the languages are used in the software industry so you can choose any of them as your career.

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Importance of Java Certifications For the Latest Cutting Edge Technologies

Java is a computer programming language which is used widely in IT industry. It is one such language which an IT professional should be thorough with.
Technology is ever changing and one needs to be updated with the latest versions used in the market. If you are looking to develop and polish your Java skills then Java Training is the best option for you.
Today's tech world demands updated Java skills from an IT professional. It is therefore important to build those skills and find a place and position in the IT industry.
Adding Java certifications can open many doors in your career. It can create opportunities for you and also give you recognition in the IT market.
Java is a vast topic which has many certification courses. It is crucial for you to identify which course is appropriate for your career growth. It will not make a difference in your career if you jump into any of the certification courses. The choice of certification will largely depend on the skills you posses.
What are the choices for Java Certifications?
There are many certification courses and each of them is categorized according to the hierarchy in the IT industry. These certifications mainly include:
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Sun Certified Java Developer
Sun Certified Java Associate
Sun Certified Web Component Developer
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
There are other certifications as well which demonstrates to employers the knowledge of Java language.
What are the benefits of Java Certifications?
When you undergo Java training and achieve a certification, you are recognized in the IT industry. It is a new language and few people have the real world experience with it. These certifications are a proof to your employer that you understand the fundamentals of Java language.
There is no statistics to show how much certified programmers are paid than those who are non-certified. However, you can expect an increase of $5000 to $10,000 in your pay package when you get these certifications. Certification courses are a great way to learn different computer languages for a programmer.
After taking Java Courses for about three months, you can appear for these certification exams. However, people who are new to the IT industry and are fresher may take about six months for these courses. It is always better to be well prepared for these exams because it is a stepping stone towards success.
There are various types of IT training companies that provide all the course material. These course material mainly include programming fundamentals which focuses on getting the foundation right.
There are workshops organized by the companies which provide knowledge and skills required for server side Java applications.
Java courses also focus on the use of Java in web development. Before appearing for the exams you may consider looking at the practice papers which are easily available on the internet. If you find your scores hitting the mark of 80-90 percent, then you are ready for the real test.
Once you take the responsibility of your own education, nothing can stop you from achieving great heights in your career. It is important to enhance your skills and learn more about the latest technology. Certification courses are the best way to keep you updated and match up with the fast moving world.

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The Advantages of Taking Java Training

Being able to learn at your own pace is the main reason why this training is so effective. Using expert trainers, high quality video and comprehensive working files, learning even the most complex applications is now really easy. You can learn from an expert which makes learning easy. it also works on PC or mac and a totally self-paced. You can have free certification as you build real practical skills. It let you learn visually through free working files.
Web development training is ideal for beginners. Easy to follow videos offer visual clarity. You can choose to master a full application from basics to advance for a fraction of the cost of classroom based training or online based education. You may have unique teaching method that offers accelerated learning and high retention. Learn at your own pace; training can be stopped, rewound or fast forwarded as required and you may also try to obtain high quality tutorial videos on CD / DVD or online and PC / mac compatible.
If you want to learn how to design to development, testing to troubleshooting, ability with applications and systems software to create the elements that make computers work and use computer programs like C, C++, and Java to create packaged software and customized applications, often working in teams to create complex products; Software engineering training is the training for you.
If you want an expert training and advice on everything from the basics to advanced techniques for open source software, and every training engagement is customized to ensure that the training content and materials align with your business, technology, and organizational needs; open source training is the training that best suits you.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, java training is vital for you. It let you learn how to write a stand-alone Java application using the Java programming language and how to write a stand-along Java application using the Java programming language. It will teach non-programmers how to write software using Java as a language and train you how to translate your existing programmer's skills into Java programming skills. Aside from that core java training is also available, it will provide the beginning java application development training, Intermediate Java Programming, UML, Advanced JDBC Techniques for Java Programmers training, and building web applications.
Meanwhile, Advance Java training focuses on developing software using the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, or J2SE. It is intended for those with solid experience in structured and object-oriented Java programming, JSP training, including use of the Collections API and exception handling. If you are an experienced Java programmer, able to build, test, and debug complex applications using structured and object- oriented code designs, and familiar with the Collections API and Java exception-handling this training is best for you.
If you are an experienced web page developer looking to establish a foundation in the creation of dynamic web applications via Ajax, Ajax training will introduce you to the suite of technologies that are used to create an Ajax web application. On the other hand, Html5 training is designed for software developers interested in designing, creating, and deploying HTML5 web applications. It is valuable to both beginners and advanced developers that already have experience in developing web applications. Ruby on rails training is designed for developers who have some web development experience that wish to learn ruby on rails. Learn the basics of the ruby language, build a new rails application from scratch, setup and manage databases with migrations and understand rails' opinions and how to embrace or override them.
Learning in these trainings is designed to go above and beyond the "what" and "how" of software industry. After completing these trainings, you will be well versed in the critical answers to "why" and "when", as they relate to the technical foundations of building dynamic web applications.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

What is Java? Learn About Java Technology

Java is the most popular scripting language on the internet, and works in all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following buzzwords:

  • Simple
  • Object oriented
  • Distributed
  • Multithreaded
  • Dynamic
  • Architecture neutral
  • Portable
  • High performance
  • Robust
  • Secure

Compared to other programming languages, Java is most similar to C. However although Java shares much of C's syntax, it is not C. Knowing how to program in C or, better yet, C++, will certainly help you to learn Java more quickly, but you don't need to know C to learn Java. Unlike C++ Java is not a superset of C. A Java compiler won't compile C code, and most large C programs need to be changed substantially before they can become Java programs. Java is a general purpose programming language with a number of features that make the language well suited for use on the World Wide Web. Small Java applications are called Java applets and can be downloaded from a Web server and run on your computer by a Java-compatible Web browser, such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. What's most special about Java in relation to other programming languages is that it lets you write special programs called applets that can be downloaded from the Internet and played safely within a web browser. Traditional computer programs have far too much access to your system to be downloaded and executed willy-nilly. Although you generally trust the maintainers of various ftp archives and bulletin boards to do basic virus checking and not to post destructive software, a lot still slips through the cracks. Even more dangerous software would be promulgated if any web page you visited could run programs on your system. You have no way of checking these programs for bugs or for out-and-out malicious behavior before downloading and running them, You may be wondering what OOP means by now. Object Oriented Programming is a relatively new concept, whereas the sum of the parts of a program makes up the whole. Think of it this way: you are building a model car. You build the engine first. It can stand alone. It is an engine and everyone can see it's an engine. Next you build the body. It can also stand alone. Finally, you build the interior including the seats, steering wheel, and whatnot. Each, by itself is a object. But it is not a fully functioning car until all the pieces are put together. The sum of the objects (parts) make up the whole. As with any application, reading through the documentation is the best way to get started. But realizing the desire to get your feet wet quickly, you should glance over this page to get a feel for what the Wrapper can do